The PARRC Foundation's mission is to support PARRC with the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities, encourage the preservation of open space and its creative use and implement better planning for parks and recreation for all.
Donate to the PARRC Foundation
A donation to the PARRC Foundation helps us continue to achieve our organizational mission. Your donations will help:
Support our organization
Contribute to the development of a park or trail facility
Sponsor a recreation program, community event or festival
Purchase a new park bench in remembrance of a loved one
Plant a memorial tree or garden
​Checks should be payable to:
PARRC Foundation
and can be mailed to:
Pottstown Area Regional Recreation Committee
140 College Drive
Pottstown, PA 19464
The PARRC Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 88-4136154
You can also support PARRC with a donation of your time. See "Empower Your Parks" under this menu.