East Coventry Township
Wayfinding & Entrance Signage Township-wide
With grant funding, the Township developed new entrance, wayfinding & directional signage for all Township parks in the Township. The first Installation of signs was at Ellis Woods Park. In 2022, two park entrance signs were installed in East Coventry Preserve with funding from the Schuylkill Highlands Mini Grant Program.

Trail Repairs and Improvements
East Coventry recently made improvements to trails in Ellis Woods Park and other open space areas of the township. Improvements included regrading, surfacing and drainage. The Schuylkill River Trail has been extended through Towpath Park.

Towpath Park
The Towpath Park Master Plan was completed in 2021. Engineering for the new park design is underway. The township has secured funds to begin construction of recommended improvements, including trails, new parking, and increased ADA access. Construction will begin in 2025.