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North Coventry Township

Hanover Meadows Park

The Township has completed the construction of a new park next to its new maintenance complex. Grant funding was awarded for a new multi-use field, walking path, rain gardens, public restroom, and interpretive panels.

Walking path in Hanover Meadows Park
Lake in Hanover Meadows Park
Trail in Hanover Meadows Park

River Bend Park

The Township was awarded grant funding to renovate an existing playground near the pavilion. Improvements included a new swing set, play equipment and ADA accessible parking and walkway.

Playground renovations in Riverbend Park

Kenilworth Park

The Township was awarded a grant to develop engineering plans for Phase I of the Coventry Trail, a segment of the Tri-County Trail system.

Trail Planning in Kenilworth Park

Riverside Park

The Township was awarded grant funding to renovate a former boat dock at the boat ramp on the Schuylkill River. As of summer 2022, the new floating boat dock has been constructed and two new pickleball courts were developed in the park as well.

Floating boat dock at riverside park
Riverside Park pickleball courts
Riverside Park sign

Coventry Woods

The Township was awarded grant funding to resurface the access drive and parking area at the Chestnut Hill Access. The project improves drainage and safety and will reduce closures due to weather conditions.

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