Get ready for complete makeover at Hollenbach Park! Hollenbach Park (24 acres) is located at 1390 N. Hanover Street, Pottstown, across the street from Pottsgrove Middle School in Upper Pottsgrove Township. A park master plan project, underway for the last year, is nearing completion.
In addition to two multi-surface playing fields, the master plan proposes a one-mile loop trail around the park perimeter, two pickleball courts, a basketball court, two playgrounds, 18-hole disc golf course, concessions building, pavilion, restrooms and additional parking areas. The master plan also recommends the development of a formal crosswalk on N. Hanover Street at the entrance to the Middle School. This will connect in with a planned natural surface trail on the Middle School property. The park will also connect to existing trails in the adjacent Mocharniuk Meadows open space.
Implementation of the master plan will take several years requiring a phased development approach. The township will pursue regional, county and state grant funding, as well as private funding sources, to construct the project.
The Hollenbach Park Master Plan project was funded through a $17,000 grant from the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation with $17,000 in matching funds from Upper Pottsgrove Township.
Upper Pottsgrove selected CMC Engineers to work with the township to prepare the master plan. Community outreach included publicly advertised meetings where residents could offer input and comments on the proposed plan. The township’s Open Space and Recreation Board provided project oversight.
A public meeting on Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 was attended by roughly 20 members of the public, who offered comments and asked questions about the proposed design. The next step in the process is for the Township Commissioners to adopt the Master Plan, which should happen in the next couple months.

Which activity do you prefer?
Disc Golf
Walking/Running on trails